Sudbury Primary School successfully uses SchooliP as a tool to positively oversee the performance management of their staff. Kamini Mistry is the Head of School and our cloud-based solution was already in place when she was appointed to her post. Sudbury Primary School is a large four form entry primary school located in Wembley, London. Kamini found SchooliP easy to understand and finds it an efficient way to collate information and data. The ease of finding information by clicking a button rather than accessing and searching a number of paper files saves her a lot of valuable time. Time that she can spend leading the school rather than paperwork. Kamini informed us of the benefits that are enjoyed by using SchooliP.
“It is an efficient and effective system for processing and analysing performance management data. We have a wealth of information immediately available. As a school leader, analysing performance management data is so much easier and a lot less time-consuming.”
Not only was the process and simplified for Kamini and the other leaders, it also had a positive impact on the teachers. The teachers felt the performance management process had a lot more purpose, rather than feeling it an add on to their workload. SchooliP has been well received by staff throughout the school.
“Staff like the system and find it useful for storing and uploading evidence for their performance management objectives. SchooliP has made our performance management processes more rigorous and more robust.”
Kamini identifies that the success of performance management is keeping processes simple. She is pleased with the staff appraisal elements of the system.
“It is all centralised and easily accessible. Setting up staff reviews with their objectives is the best feature of SchooliP. It is a great system to use for performance management, especially for leaders to review the progress of our teachers. Overall, it is an effective and efficient system that has saved me time.”
SchooliP facilities strategic planning by integrating school self-evaluation, school improvement planning, staff appraisals and professional development. To find out more about SchooliP, please call a member of our sales team on 0333 0433 450 or email: [email protected].